Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Did I hear you say... Competition?!

Hey guys and girls!

So because I'm feeling nice, and I have done a few videos with no sort of giveaway... THE TIME IS NOW!

Basically, all you have to do is watch this here video...

And then join in on the competition! You can comment here, on Facebook, and on the YouTube to enter - I try to make myself accessible (wink, wink) for my viewers and Creepy Crew. I think I may call you guys that. What do you think? I know I think it's pretty awesome. 

So I thought I'd write a tiny blog to showcase this competition and shiznit. I hope you like my review, I just suck at this whole movie making thing so I apologise for the quality!

To add some thematic imagery I thought I would Google 'Panda Competition' and post the picture below.

I was not disappointed.

He's called Simon Panda. Clearly he is wicked.

So remember, join in on the competition
and have a Scary Movie Sunday!

Saturday, 21 May 2016


Hey guys (and girls obvs)

I hope you have had a great week, I know I have!

Today I'm going to review a movie called Unfriended (in case you hadn't guessed from the title) which is a supernatural horror set in a very modern world.

The movie starts with someone watching a movie on LiveLeak - which you may or may not know is a website that often has gnarly footage of stuff you would get banned on youtube for posting. This movie shows a girl who basically shoots herself in what looks like her neck but she gets the job done and unfortunately dies.

Then the 'viewer' clicks onto youtube where there is a link to the video which caused this girl to kill herself.

Long story short, she has awful friends who let her get drunk to the point that she really makes a fool out of herself and ends up passed out after an epic shartfest.

This then leads to horrific bullying I imagine, and like many young people these days, this leads her to sadly take her own life.

The whole movie uses only social media to tell the story, which I found absolutely fascinating. Sites used were: Skype, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram and Gmail.

So, here are my nine favourite things about Unfriended

1. Never Have I Ever
Now, apparently, this game was invented for this movie - but I know that is a loada tosh! The rules for this game (the way it is played in the movie) is everyone puts up five fingers and then Billie227 (a.k.a The ghost of Laura Barns) asks questions - if they have done whatever it is, they put a finger down. The one who puts down all of their fingers first... DIES. I'd like to point out, that normally it ends with a drink, not a death.

The reason I liked this game is because in a really short time we learned an awful lot about the characters. One cheated on her man with his best buddy (whilst all the time telling him she was a virgin), one shopped the other for drug possession, and one slept with Laura Barns whilst he was with his girlfriend! There were many more of these truths and frankly, I was gripped!

2. The Use of Computers

I absolutely LOVED the fact that this movie was filmed entirely from Blaire's computer - and the way we were shown it is gripping because it is like YOU are the one sat on the computer receiving the Facebook messages and Skyping with your friends. I've never seen something like this before and I thought it was really well executed (much like all of the cast! - I know, I should be on the stage.) I also think that this highlights the damage that online trolls . bullies can cause for young people. I mean, the characters here were teenagers, but if you had 12 year olds on the internet then you can understand how they can be so affected by what other people say online about them.

3. Functions we take for granted
Ever forwarded an email that you thought was funny? Ever blocked someone from Facebook because they are veing vile or posting a lot of things that you don't agree with? What about reporting someone for content that really shouldn't be on social media? What if you couldn't do that, and someone was threatening your life and the lives of others that you knew? To me, that is quite a scary scenario. Such a simple thing, but has a lot of impact!

4. The Deaths...
Of course this wouldn't be a revenge horror if nobody died! I thought that the death scenes were a little bit different than the norm (If you don't want to know how people buy it, don't read the rest of this paragraph). So... By drinking detergent, by putting hands and neck in a blender, by putting straighteners (that were on) down their throat, by stabby stabby in the eyeball and then via a ghost. So yeah, like I say, not your average death scenes!

5. The Use of an 'Unknown' Person
How many times have you had a friend request from someone that you don't know? Or have had a Skype contact want to add you and you have no idea who they are? A lot of people these days will have a quick look at their profile and think, 'Meh, why not?' I would like to point out that I myself am one of those people. But imagine if once you have opened the door to this person seeing into YOUR life... and in the case of Skye, literally see YOU; and you couldn't get rid of them - what would you do? Although these guys didn't 'add' Laura into her conversation, none of them (until Blaire did some digging) knew who this person was or what they were capable of. I think the majority of society as a whole has low expectations of how vile people can be, and what they are capable of. They thought this was just a prank. Until it got nasty!*

*I'm not saying every randomer that adds you is an evil ghost that wants revenge by making you eat your hair styling products whilst they are switched on and hotter than the sun; but you never can be too careful. 

6. The Printers
I loved this scene SO much. To set it up for you, Blaire (who is in a relationship with Mitch) has just admitted through the medium of 'Never Have I Ever' that she slept with his best friend Adam, who is also playing the game. Then something prints off on Adam's printer which he reads and then neglects to show to the other kids. Then one prints off on Blaire's Printer... *Cue dramatic chords*. By this time, Mitch is full on about to flip his sh*t and demands to see what the paper says. Here's what it said.

Guess we know who she likes more.

When Adam does the deed and offs himself, we then see what his note says. Which just replaced the word 'Adam' with 'Blaire'. I have a wireless printer and if something like that printed off, I think I would just die on the spot of heart failure.

7. The Special Effects
This movie didn't really need masses of special effects to keep us interested - I think the use of words was enough. However the special effects that were used were good. I mean, I'm not sure why, but I feel like they could have been a little bit more OTT. As a side note, when Val drinks the detergent - if you weren't observant and didn't actually see the bottle next to her (how you would miss it, I don't know but I have missed major stuff before) then you wouldn't have put two and two together and made chemical-burns-from-the-inside-out. Even if she was holding the bottle or SOMETHING. Not really a special effect but it bugged me none the less. 

8. The Irony of Death
The part of this movie that really struck a chord with me, was when Blaire is looking through Laura's memorial page. She says something along the lines of more people like her now that she is dead than when she was alive. And its always sad to see the memorial pages on Facebook created by people who have lost a loved one - but in the case of bullying victims, you never really know who 'likes' that page; they may have even caused the untimely demise of the poor soul. Social media is a powerful tool to hide behind- and although you may not 100% be safe from being caught, you can cruelly ruin someone with a few typed words. You may or may not have heard the story of Amanda Todd. She was mercilessly bullied, moved areas and schools many times - she was 15 when she died and became one of the most famous bullying victims. This girl is one of the inspirations for this movie as it was through Facebook that she was victimised. 

9. How the Movie Ends
Warning, this IS how the movie ends. I thought it was a brilliant conclusion! What do you think?

Thanks for reading, I hope you liked my review!

And remember, 
Have a Scary Movie Sunday!

If you, or anyone else is suffering at the hands of online, or any type of bullies and are thinking of harming yourself, please talk to someone.

If you're in the UK you can call the Samaritans on 116 123

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Rosemary's Baby

Hi Everyone!
Now I know it wasn't Sunday yesterday, but I was feeling a little glum... So what better to do that to watch a creepy movie!
Mr Scary Movie Sunday wasn't interested so he watched the football while I learned about the weirdoes that live next door to Rosemary and Guy Woodhouse.
Now, if you watch my videos, you will know that I watch my movies mainly from streaming apps ( Amazon Prime, Netflix and NowTV) and I have had Rosemary's baby on my Netflix watch list for an aaaaaaaaaaaage!
I tend to leave the pant-sh*ttingly scary movies until Sunday, can't risk watching that whilst I'm in bed at night!
I don't know whether you know the story of Rosemary's Baby, there is a book which the movie (directed by Roman Polanski) was based on. And I didn't know (until I announced to the Facebook world that I was watching this film and someone updated me) that there is also a remake! Say whaaaaaaaat.

I have tried watching this movie before and for some reason I gave up - I think it may have been one of thoses evening where I was home alone and thought better of it!

It kept me in suspense although I know in a round about way what the story is and it was a great movie. To be honest I would probably watch this again, and I will be interested to see the remake.

Here are my 10 of my favourite things about Rosemary's Baby (Spoilers ahead yo.)

1. Minnie Castevet
This woman is amazeballs. I love her crazy hair, I love her outrageous makeup and I love the fact that she poisons Ro Woodhouse with Chocolate Mouse! She also has the most amazing accent, so even though you know she is up to something sinister, you can't help but love her.

Your hair looks perfect dahling.

2. The Apartment
Apart from the demon-worshipping next door neighbours, the apartment that the Woodhouses move into is absolutely stunning! Wonderful large rooms with brilliant views over NYC. And I know it is made out as a joke in the movie, I love the fact that the apartment has a million-and-one closets. SO much storage! (I have a storage issue, I love cupboards and boxes).

3. Rosemary's Hair (Post-Haircut)
I used to have long hair, really long hair - and then there was the day I cut it all off. Very similarly to Ro, I went to the extreme and love it! So although Guy hated his wife's new do, I thought it was wonderful. And cut by Mr Vidal Sassoon!

'Are you for real?'

4. Mia Farrow's Wardrobe
All I can say, is WOW! I know that this is set in 1965-66 so Mia gets to wear some groovy clothing baby... Also, a lot of the dresses that Mia wears when Rosemary is pregnant are very run-of-the mill, which in my opinion adds to the whole suspense that this kind of business could happen to anyone... Yes that includes YOU!

5. Roman Castevet
Roman is the husband of Minnie, and he is so smooth that you would slide right off him. He exudes charisma and he has the most amazing story telling skills. He has travelled the world, seen the sights, and is also the head of a Satanic cult. What's not to love?! <<< Did you know this punctuation is called an interrobang?

6. This Scene
So, there is a lot of hallucinations within this movie, and my favourite part of all is when Ro has a vision of herself lying on her big fluffy double bed floating in a calm ocean under a lovely summery sky... Bliss. Which is a great tool to use to distract and not repulse the viewer when we realise in real life she was surrounded by saggy naked people whilst some man beast set upon her.  


7. How Menacing Scrabble Can Be
One of the main 'turning points' in this movie is when Scrabble tiles are used to translate 'Tanas Root' - which is used to 'help' Rosemary feel better - into 'Satan Root'. We also find out the real name of the loopy legend who lives next door...

8. The Knowledge of Hutch
As I like to know as much as I can about the history of places / people / artefacts; Hutch was a great character tool. He is the previous landlord of our two hapless victims and he knows an awful lot about the new building that they are about to inhabit. From witches to cults to suicides, he updates the Woodhouses (as well as the viewer) and sets the scene from very early on that all is not what it seems in this well-to-do apartment block...

9. The Baby
The whole point of the satanists-next-door latching on to Ro and Guy was to of course, create the Antichrist. We don't ever get to see this baby, but we get to hear about him from cult members. 'Aww he has his fathers eyes!' And I bet that even though he was demon spawn, he was in SOME way cute... maybe not. The point I'm making is, we don't ever get to see him, which means that we can conjure up our own creepy images of him which I think sometimes is more horrid than being shown someone else's interpretation.

10. The 'Nice' Doctor

When Ro finally realises that all is not well (pun intended) with the Dr that the Castevets have made her go to throughout her pregnancy; she calls the original Dr that she used who seemed very nice and normal. She frantically tells him that she needs to see him immediately and that she thinks something is wrong. Whilst she is seeing him, he asks her to take a rest as she looks tired and she does just that. To then be woken up by her husband and Dr Devil to take her back to where the creature that resides within her is to be born. Traiterous. I must admit, when this happened my face looked very much like this:

Say whaaaaat?!

So there you go, a small and not as funny review of Rosemary's Baby. I think I would give this movie about 6/10 for scare factor, but it did keep me intrigued.

Thanks for reading, and remember

Have a Scary Movie Sunday!

Thursday, 5 May 2016

My First Post Here...

Hey everyone!
It's Leanne from Scary Movie Sunday here - and I'm going to explain to you what I do for fun in my spare time.
A little about me, I have been brought up on the adrenaline that creepy and spooky movies bring, and I also believe strongly in ghosts and demons and that kind of thing, so those are definitely my favourite kind of scary movies!
So, this little venture of mine started a few years ago; my husband (referred to as Mr Scary Movie Sunday), likes to have a nice lie in on a Sunday morning... And I would get bored waiting for him to wake up!
I'm the type of gal that after watching a scary film (especially in the settings of a dark and creepy room, with a desolate park outside and thunder and lightning attacking etc) that will NOT forget about the images on the screen.

I am really surprised that I can hold my mouse bladder for a full on 8 hours through the night to avoid having to get up and pee (and obviously run the risk of being the thing that goes bump in the night along with something positively terrifying).
I have a couple of regular viewers (HI GUYS!) and I also have a few friends that know about this strange little hobby that I have - and I would LOVE to have you join us too!

You can find me on Youtube (please subscribe!) and also on Facebook where you can find my videos and discuss what you think of them - I'm always up for hearing suggestions of movies to watch too!

Thanks for reading,
Have a Scary Movie Sunday!