Friday 26 August 2016

Stranger Things - The End of The Series ***SPOILER ALERT***

Hey Creepy Crew!

I've finished the Netfix series Stranger Things - and I actually started to feel withdrawal when I had finished it.

Mr Scary Movie Sunday actually heard me utter the words, ' What am I going to watch now...?'

If you have watched this series, you may have even felt the same dismay when episode 8 finished - and that final scene was played out with Sheriff Hopper.


You may have seen in my last post about Stranger things that I asked some questions which I needed to be answered!

  • Who is the girl?
Turns out the girl was stolen away from her mentally broken mother at birth, as she was known to have some 'special powers'. And as much as I wanted to think that the name on her birth certificate is 11 I'm not thinking it was.

The powers that this girl can wield are absolutely stupendous - to watch a young girl snap a guys neck purely with the power of her mind is so badass.

She also has the power to go into the 'Upside Down' which we learn is a parallel universe to our own which can be entered by a tear in space and time (did I mention that Eleven managed to create one all by herself?!)

We don't find out the reason that she is called Eleven, but only that she has a tattoo on her arm '011'. My guess is that she is numbered as part of the experiments into telekenisis etc which her mother was also dragged into. 

  • What were they making in the laboraotry?
As mentioned up there ^^^ in the lab where Eleven lived (and escaped from) there were experiments taking place, and it seems that they were trying to 'unlock' special powers within human beings.

They were doing this using sensory deprivation tanks, monitoring of the brain activity with a funky little electrode hat - and I imagine there were many other ways to try and 'unleash' the extra brain power that us humanoids supposedly have.

Unfortunately, due to the extensive activity in the lab Eleven unwittingly opened up a tear in what I imagine is the space / time continuum <<< DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I HAVE LEGIT WANTED TO USE THAT PHRASE?!

As this kind of thing doesn't really happen in every day life, the team in the lab didn't really seem to know what they had actually done, just that it was very, VERY bad.

The fact that it looked like a massive vagina wasn't exactly awesome, either.

  • Where did Will go?
We learn from Eleven that Will is still alive (as his mother had always vehemently believed) and he is in a parallel universe which is referred to as 'The Upside Down'.

The boys learn from their science teacher that humans walk along as if on a tightrope, unable to go anywhere apart from forwards and backwards along the rope - however if you think of how a flea can move around on other levels, via the side of the tightrope, or even go fully around the tightrope (as per the drawing below) this explains the possibilty of 'The Upside Down.'

In The Upside Down everything is an exact replica of this plane, however things are more degraded and the air is toxic. Will is walking around in the Upside Down; but in our plane, his mother Joyce (Winona Ryder) can connect with him via the electricity in her home -  I think we will find out more about this type of connection in the second series...

  • Will we ever get to see the creature?
Turns out we do get to see the creature! We don't really learn much about it though, apart from it is drawn to blood - so when Barb cut her hand it could smell her, and there was a deer which was bleeding in the woods; which was then taken into The Upside Down to be eaten.

I'm not entirely sure that this creature can be destroyed easily, as the teens who are trying to kill it use fire and guns - which doesn't seem to hurt it too much.

Eleven full on blows it to bits though.

The creature isn't really an integral part of the story (in my opinion) but it could quite easily become important if the focus was changed slightly to it being killed.

We only ever get to see one creature - but I think there must be more than one - and although one is terrifying - can you imagine what a horde of these mofos would look like?!

So that is a quick run down of some of the things that happen in Stranger Things - I must admit there is SO MUCH MORE to take in, and I would highly recommend it is watched! It's not necessarily a scary series, but very interesting and tense!

Let me know what you think!

And remember,
Have a Scary Movie Sunday!

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